David Park, Attorney at Law

Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act Claims

Longshore Act Exclusions

The LHWCA also specifically excludes certain workers from coverage.  These include:

  • An officer or employee of the United States or any of its agencies;
  • an employee of any State;
  • an employee of any municipality;
  • an agent of any foreign government;
  • an employee whose injury is caused solely by his own intoxication;
  • an employee whose injury occurs solely as a result of his attempt to injure or kill himself or another;
  • office clerical workers covered under State law;
  • personnel for a club, camp, recreational operation, restaurant, museum, or retail outlet covered under State law;
  • marina personnel covered under State law;
  • personnel for suppliers, transporters, or vendors temporarily doing business on the premises of the maritime employer who do not normally do the type of work performed by the employees of the maritime employer and are covered under State law;
  • aquaculture workers involved in commercial cultivation and harvest of aquatic plants and animals covered under State law;
  • personnel involved in the construction, repair, or dismantling of any recreational vessel under sixty-five feet in length who are covered under State law;
  • a master or member of a crew of any vessel;
  • anyone engaged by a master to load, unload, or repair any small vessel under eighteen tons net.

next: Types of Injuries